Thursday, April 11, 2013

A ~ Z of Marvelousness: J is for Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons ~ Sacred Heart

  • This marvelous steel heart, tied up with a gold ribbon, is by one of my favorite sculptors -  Jeff Koons - and it was part of the "Jeff Koons on the Roof" exhibition on the roof garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in 2008.


  1. Very cool. Never seen anything like that. It really doesn't look like metal, except for the reflections of people and things you can see. It's beautiful. How big is it? My DD lived in a Sacred Heart Convent in Baltimore, a defunct one I should say. She was part of Op Teach where you live and work in a need based area in exchange for a very small stipend and education and a roof over your head. It was old and very much in need of maintenance; but she called it home for 2 years while earning her Masters.


  2. To me it looked like a photoshop creation so I googled it to make sure it was real. Very impressive.

  3. A picture is surely worth a thousand words. What else can I say!

  4. That's gorgeous! What a neat photograph. I adore the MOMA's roof exhibition. Last time I was there, there was this huge sculpture named something that meant "thunderstorm" and it was this gorgeous series of branches you could walk through and peek out of--all kinds of movement.

  5. I am not familiar with him. Excellent piece. thank you

  6. OOO I love that! It's so shiny!

  7. I love your photos! This piece of art is so shiny and clean and not covered in snow like everything here has been for the last 6 months...


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